I've always loved writing. Some of my professional activities are therefore a testimony to my love for words.
I write for others, but also for myself. In September 2007 a double band book “Marine et Marinette - Cent Jours” was published by Thélès, Paris, France, which I wrote under the pen name Tosca Nema.
This is a double-band manuscript:
A book Recto ...
Click on the left to read the first chapter of the novel Marine et Marinette in French
... and Verso
J'ai réédité ce livre en 2021 sur Amazon, au format numérique ebook, et au format broché papier. J'ai décidé de le rééditer sous mon vrai nom cette fois-ci. Le contenu reste le même, avec les deux ouvrages, le roman et le témoignage à la suite, et non plus recto verso comme en 2007.
Vous pouvez acheter le livre broché ou numérique en cliquant sur la photo du livre à droite
Cet ouvrage est double :
Un Roman…
A teenage girl tells her story in 24 hours and 50 pages
Marine and her double Marinette, or the duality of a teenage girl’s personality. This novel tells about Marine's struggle and her identity crisis during the twenty-four hours leading up to her French high school diploma. This exam will reveal her in a way she has not expected and give her the opportunity to express to the whole world what she had been feeling inside for so long
... et un Témoignage
Twelve Chapters to write a life ...
An essential self-reconstruction
The life assessment of an adult woman, three months before giving birth to her third child. She is in her thirties and writes about her inner conflicts and her relationship problems with her family. Like many other children, she has inherited a heavy burden from her parents that she sometimes finds difficult to overcome.
Le coin lecture
Je vous propose quelques extraits de ces deux manuscrits en lecture libre. Il vous suffit de cliquer sur la page qui vous intéresse pour accéder au ficher :
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